Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy Wedding Day - More Wedding Pics if You Can Stand It

No 2008 year-end blog would be complete for me without more wedding pictures. Here are a few of my favorites. For those of you not totally sick of seeing my wedding pictures, our photographer's favorites can be seen at

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

4 Year Anniversary of My Blind Date with a Baby

Today marks the four year anniversary of my adoption trip to Kazakhstan. I've posted pictures to commemorate Jiana's and my very first meeting on December 30, 2004. The hours leading up to our introduction were groggy, anxious ones for me, having not slept much on the red eye from London. I had so much invested in the process... months of anticipation and nightly prays that this child would be healthy, undamaged and motherhood would be all I had dreamed. Driving through rural Kazakhstan (1.5 hours outside Almaty) enroute to the baby house, I was numb to the gravity of the adventure... stiffling any ambivilence I had about the beautiful, but not smiling baby I had travelled thousands of miles for. It was an odd state of presence.... traveling into the unknown, with only the assurance that my life would soon be forever altered.

Upon arriving at the baby house, I was interrogated by an regional official about my motives for adoption (how old was I?, why was I still single?, etc). I apparently passed the test and a caretaker quickly brought Jiana in to me.

Anxiety dissappated within moments of meeting her and we start to bond as mother and daughter.

The adoption went smoothly. Jiana came to stay with me at the apartment on January 4th and we completed the adoption and were heading home by January 23. It was an atypically fast and efficient process (at the time, most families were spending 6 weeks in Kazakhstan).

Fast forward to today... Jiana is very mommy attached and we are madly in love with one another. Our personalities work well together and we share a wacky sense of humor. I couldn't imagine having any other daughter and every day I feel so blessed that things worked out so well. Traveling to Kazakhstan for her was the single best decision of my life. (Closely followed by my decision to marry Ron.) And as for the smiling, she hasn't stopped since we returned home.

My full blog can be found online at Search under Kazakhstan Baby Diary.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Not Taking Anything For Granted

Last November.... Following one of my early wedding planning anxiety attacks, I called my good friend Gigi in Austin for some consolation. The instant I heard her voice, I could tell that something was very wrong and redirected the conversation. Gigi told me that a doctor's visit to address a persistent pain had turned up advanced cancer in her liver. In that moment, my world was shook from trivial to profound. I had been around cancer enough from my ACS days to know that liver cancer was one of the worst to be diagnosis with. My heart was sunk by the thoughts of potentially losing one of my best friends and how devastating the loss would be to her six year old daughter, husband and mother (Gigi is her only child). How could this be happening?

Over the next few weeks, this bride-to-be walked around in a heartbroken funk. Before Gigi's revelation, my bridal wimsy had already been tempered by news of my friend Carol's cancer reoccurrence and the painful drama of another friend's unexpected divorce with two small children. It was devastating enough to think Gigi might not make the wedding, but incomprehensible to consider that she make not be with us in 6 months.

With Gigi's ok, I called several of our grad school mutual friends (UT Dept. of Advertising) to let them know what's up. Together shocked and saddened, we came up with the only remedy we could. We would all convene in Austin for a long talked about reunion as soon as possible.

In the coming weeks, we learned that Gigi did not have liver cancer after all, but instead had an aggressive form of Lymphoma residing in her liver. This was a huge relief --- this meant it was treatable with reasonably odds. Over the next 4 months, I closely followed Gigi's cancer odyssey through the blog she started... She gave very frank, tender and often funny accounts with her bouts of chemo, hair loss, wigs and other cancer misadventures. I checked for new posts daily and found comfort in her positive outlook and good humor. Her trials and grace in the face of them grounded me as I agonized over the most trivial of bridal concerns.

By April, Gigi was finished with her cancer treatment and her prognosis was good. Margaret, Eileen, Trina, Chris and I travelled to Austin (from Knoxville, suburban NJ, Boise, NYC and Oakland respectively) for a weekend with Gigi, Sherry and Michelle who all live there. By happy coincidence, Margaret, Eileen, Trina, Sherry and I all have 4 year olds in toe. With Gigi's Emma, it made for a great 4th birthday party for Jiana, whose day happen to fall the weekend we settled on. Just hours before the party, an unexpected storm took our perfect weather and the party was moved from the park to Gigi's living room. Some professors and faculty from the Advertising department joined in the fun. Marye Tharp surprised the kids by bringing along her pet paraquets.

By summer, Gigi's Dr's had declared her cancer free and she and husband David were there to dance and celebrate at our wedding. I whispered to her that her presence that day was my greatest gift.


Ron's mom and mine meeting for the first time two days before the wedding (at our house). They immediately found common ground for bonding-- medications and how impossible it was to find a dress for the wedding.

Stephanie, Ron's sister ran up to me and said our moms are BFF. Danielle translated this to me as "Best Friends Forever".

A Husband Who Cooks

Ron loves to cook. He reads cookbooks in French for fun. I don't get it as I'm not that crazy about cooking. It's not an ability thing, I just prefer not to. When Ron's out of town, Jiana and I go out for burritos. My husband cooks dinner just about every night and when all the kids are with us, he'll make multiple meals on weekends. While most are masterpieces, one time he tried to make Foie Gra- an expensive experiment that didn't turn out. More often than not, his creations are amazing. My girlfriends are jealous and several have asked to be his su chef. We both love to eat and appreciate good wine... Thankfully my husband is as neurotic as I am about keeping weight in check or we'd be totally out of control.

My Cat

Jupiter was MY CAT LONG BEFORE I had Jiana and Ron, Danielle and Jonah came into our lives. We were so close and he loved me enough to tolerate my treating him as a surrogate baby. Now Jonah and Jiana both proudly refer to Jupiter as "My Cat". As if it wasn't bad enough that I have to share my See's candy, my Tibetan Singing Bowl and my computer; now I have to share my cat.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Mother of the flower girl and daughter of the bride

I was certain that very my mommy-attached daughter was going to insist on giving me away. I had my heart set on giving myself away. It seemed most fitting for a first time bride of 44. Dad and mom were cool with this. Our rehearsal was primarily purposed to sell Jiana on the idea of being escorted by Jonah. She eventually relented, they were cute enough to upstage me and I had my perfect moment.